Easily secure your high-paying target market with focus and ease.
Level up and build your sustainable business & career.

GroupShip You.Inc

Embracing Your Sustainability Expertise

Why This Program

Book A Qualifying Discovery Call - Let's See If This Is The Right Program For You


  • Find purpose in your career 
  • Get clarity on where you fit in 
  • Understand the market shifts 
  •  Identify and leverage your strengths
  •  Find focus - the problem to solve
  •  Build your brand who You.Inc is
  •  Grow your network
  •  Strengthen your mindset
  •  Overcome limiting beliefs

READY to forge your pathway and career and become your best self without starting from scratch?
Work with a Leading Expert & Mentor in Sustainability.

Enroll now and benefit from direct interactions with our leading expert and find a new community of like minded individuals.
Become a thought leader and authority in sustainability. 

In this Group Mentoring Program, You'll Learn How To

  • Create a clear BUSINESS ROADMAP - The Problem, Your service -you resolve.
  • Find your position in a dynamic sustainable market, SECURE a firm position as leader
  • Engage with your audience to FAST TRACK your brand as an expert.
  • Establish a STRONG AUTHORITY in your field, leading to prospects and Cash Flow $$$$
  • Overcome the limiting beliefs to EMERGE as a TRUE LEADER in sustainability
  • Bonus: 1:1 mentoring time with Meryl
  • Bonus:  Learning materials & templates to Sky-Rocket your Business & Brand

Your Magnetic Eco-Brand For Consistent Multi-Figure Income

Book A Qualifying Discovery Call - Let's See If This Is The Right Program For You


This monthly group mastermind connects you with others on a path of career shifts and looks to position you as a firm leader in sustainability. This program provides a lot of support and content and as a community of driven individuals, we support and LEVEL-UP together.

           THE PROGRAM          

You will receive the following: Start with a 1:1 session, ongoing weekly calls, lunch n learn, monthly spotlight sessions, and so much more. 


The ACTUAL annual cost being USD 9,999 - So you only need to pay 14.2% of the total value. Crazy & True.

Follow The FOUR-Purpose Empire Building Model For Success & Expansion 
  • Foundational Operating System For Expansion - Creating turnkey operations on your Big WHY/vision and objectives to create aligned action pathways.  Valued at USD 3,591 
  • Immediate Return-On-Investment Opportunities - How to identify lucrative high-paying engagement possibilities through market clarity and focus. Helping you establish a unique point of difference in your niche. Valued At USD 5,387
  • Unstoppable Offer Attracting Your Ideal Client - Curating a market offer that consistently reaches your target audience bringing in leads and new projects. Valued At USD 3,591
  • Effervescent Reach & Vibrant  Brand-Authority - Expand your network & magnetise your brand. Easily attract your dream clients with the capacity to engage you. Valued At USD 5,387

You, Will, Learn This And More (Deliverables) 
  • 1 x Initial 1-1 Game-Planning with direct access to expert advice in setting up a game plan for your roadmap ahead. Valued at USD 1,197
  • Bonus 1-1 Session offered to 1 member each month to keep you accountable and craft your new ideas and opportunities. Valued at USD 1,197
  • Weekly Group Coaching call to help you push the dial forward with precise and targeted action. Valued at USD 17,357
  • Entrepreneur To Empire Holder - Monthly, one member presents/pitch/explores their idea/work and soundboard with the group to gain confidence and authority. Valued at USD 7,182
  • Expert Learning To Take You To The Next Level - Learn from an expert on various topics around successful empire-building and sustainability to open up new ways of thinking and opportunities to grow. Valued at USD 7,182
  • Private Facebook Community connecting leaders and entrepreneurs. A place to learn and belong, stay accountable and be driven to take action. Invaluable
  • Messenger Group (LinkedIn) access to gain immediate connection and feedback on ideas and experiences. Valued At USD 3,591

Included Bonuses: 
  • Bonus Content & Templates For Cash - To transform the way you create content and copy which attracts your ideal high-paying clients. Valued At USD 1,197
  • Bonus Resources ie. Masterclasses, EBook & More. Valued at USD 1,796

Pay In Full Bonuses: 
  • Three Bonus 1-1 FULL 60-minute sessions directly with me. Personalised game-planning to curate tailored solutions to skyrocket your business. This is available to use within the 12-month program once every 4-months. Valued At USD 7,182
  •  Messenger Audit - Reviewing 10 lead/prospect conversations including a report on findings & outcomes. Valued At USD 4,788

Helping EcoPreneurs & EcoWarriors Build Their Brand, Network & Purpose-Aligned Careers & Businesses.

WHO IS Meryl Sukumar?

Meet the undisputed authority and expert in sustainability, helping entrepreneurs and eco-professionals build their brand, authority and position firmly in a very dynamic sustainable market. TO BUILD PROFIT & VALUE INTO THEIR SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS.

Specializing in strategy and technical sustainability, Meryl Sukumar has over a decade of experience working with a range of client's from commercial, manufacturing, industrial, consulting and government. Her focus is on helping businesses shift relationships and culture towards a streamlined circular business economy, helping her clients develop a solid roadmap to reduce energy, water, resource, waste, and GHG emissions in operations, processes and the supply chain.

                    What Our Clients Are Saying                     

Brian Deegan

Ecological Landscaper

Meryl is a passionate and dedicated sustainability professional. Meryl is a great communicator sharing with me ways to learn more and apply new skills. I appreciated her comprehensive knowledge and application of sustainability. She has been incredibly helpful in teaching me more about the industry.

Prabadevi Gunasekaran

Graduate Consultant-Climate Change and Sustainability (Risk Advisory) 

As a graduate aspiring to build a career within the sustainability space, I had been following Meryl's (Subcinctus Consulting's) work in this area for some time before I decided to reach out to her on LN for a casual coffee chat. Meryl's welcoming personality reflected in how quickly she set up a time for us to chat. From the conversation I had with her, I could tell that she was a great listener who was highly passionate about the work she does. With this, and her well rounded sustainability experience/knowledge she was able to point me in the right direction of career pathways/resources!

Tania Roy

D&I Project Officer

Meryl has a very positive, approachable demeanor. It was really nice of her to be so forthcoming in setting up a time for us to chat. Meryl helped me get a clearer view of what steps I could take and what skills or certifications I could work on to build a career in corporate sustainability. Meryl surely has her way of motivating people to do better. My conversation with her left me more determined to keep building my work even on a Friday morning 😄

Caterina Gualdrini

LM Management  

Meryl is a true professional, helpful, kind, humble and knows how to put people at ease. She has provided me with many useful tips. It was a constructive and enlightening international conversation.

                      The Curriculum                         

                                 The Pricing                                 

Most popular

Annual Plan

$9999 USD

  • Commit in Full and save $745 for the year.

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Monthly Plan

$888 USD

per month

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Step In to find your purpose and reason for showing up.
Step Up to take the next steps in building brand & authority.
Step Out to be brave and take the action.